Implemented in partnership with the Collectif Marocain pour la promotion des droits des personnes en situation de handicap, la Fédération Algérienne des Personnes Handicapées, le programme Maghreb de Handicap International.
Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria
As part of the Al Mounassara project (capacity-building of Disabled People's Organizations in advocacy for the promotion of their rights in Maghreb), this report presents the best practices on accessibility of buildings, transport and communication. The good practices were identified and analyzed in a participatory way with project partners.
The report examines the good practices and analyses how these approaches can be replicated underlining the importance of ensuring people with disabilities and their representative organizations participate in the change process as facilitators of their own integration and full participation. The report aims to share and disseminate good practices achieved in Maghreb by Disabled People’s Organizations.
Do not hesitate to contact us for a fully accessible version of the documents.
The Making it Work report is used by DPOs from the three countries to show their partners that their are actively engaged in the community by bringing positive solutions to their problems. The good practices from the report have been used to fuel the alternative report on the CRPD written by the DPOs of the region. The good practices have also been used inside a guide to explain the CRPD in simpler terms. Check Al Mounassara website for more updates:
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