
The Making It Work team (Sophie, Ines, Rebecca), MIW Country Partners COVAW, DIWA, FIDA-Kenya, UNABU, KEFEADO and TAC members attend this year's CSW64, the Commission on the Status of Women.

MIW is lead organizer of 2 events: "Diversity and Inclusion: Intersectionality is key to uphold rights for all!" on 12th of March and “Advancing rights of African women and girls: AU Disability Protocol”.

Speakers include Easter Okech, Executive Director, Kenya Female Advisory Organization (KEFEADO), Daniel Olwango, Executive Director, Nyanza Rift Valley and Western Kenya Network (NYARWEK) and Gaudence Mushimiyimana, Executive Director UNABU to discuss Intersectionality.

To highlight the new AU Disability Procotol, speakers include: Wairimu Munyinyi-Wahome, Executive Director of Coalition on Violence Against Women (COVAW), Anne Ireri, Executive Director of FIDA-Kenya and Judith Ekaete Umoh, Secretary, African Disability Forum (ADF)

The new AU Protocol: Intersectional, Progressive, a ground-breaking tool to advance the rights of women and girls with disabilities!

Making It Work, its team, Technical Advisor Yetneberesh NIgussie and Country Partner Grace Jerry (IFA Nigeria ) have been sharing views and recommandations of Women with disabilities at the 2019 SVRI Forum.

A Satellite Event titled " Leaving no woman behind: prevention and response to violence against women with disabilities – experience, analysis and recommendations from women with disabilities in Africa" was held on 25th of October.

Find  pictures and messages on our Facebook

The Making It Work 3rd Gender and Disability Forum was a success! Here is a brief summary of this great week!

2019 is up and running, and we have news!

The Making It Work Gender and Disability project team is proud to welcome new country partners who work to eliminate violence and discrimination against women and girls with disabilities in Africa!