
June 2024 - Lira District Disabled Women's Association launches Making It Work's collection "VOICES OF...". Collection now rich of the report from ABPDFH "Voices of women with disabilities in Burundi: Shared realities" in English and French!


2024 is the year to review the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action after 30 years. The Beijing+30 review will happen at national and regional level, culminating in the 2025 CSW69.

DIWA Disabled Women in Africa and MIW, together with the 20+ partner organisations all over the African continent, are cooperating for a review process more inclusive than ever.

Join us! Write to for more information.

Discover the 2 good practices selected in Togo, from APROFEHTO and the women's wing of AST, in the augmented version of the report MIW.

Published 10 december 2023.

Read latest news from the Making It Work Gender and Disability project - as of July 2023.

Find the link to 3 new online contributions of Regina Kognon, Benin, Awa Sire Toure, Senegal and Janet Ajangi, Uganda to major advocacy events of 2023: CSW and COSP.


MIW together with 14 women-led organisations developed and submitted a contribition to the CEDAW Committee, at the occasion of the Half-day general discussion on the equal and inclusive representation of women in decision-making systems.

It is titled "Women with disabilities are falling through the cracks of laws, policies and practices."

Link to the full contribution.

Humanity&Inclusion (MIW) proposed to deliver an oral statement on behalf of the 15 organisations. Reach out if you would like to have it shared.